Why You Must Take Tick and Flea Prevention into Consideration for Your Dogs and Cats

There are few things that are as miserable for dogs and cats as having fleas and/or ticks. They itch, constantly, and tickle as your pets feel them walking across their skin. They produce scabs where your pet has scratched, and can even cause other diseases in your pet. Infested fleas, as an example, can cause worms, because they carry the worm larvae on them. Ticks can cause a whole host of health concerns for your pet as well as you and your other family members. Preventing fleas and ticks is the best method of dealing with them. However, if your pet gets an infestation of one or both, there are things you can do to safely treat it, and keep it from happening again.

Different Types and Methods of Flea and Tick Control

Keeping your pets indoors is usually the best method of flea and tick prevention, but it is not 100 percent effective. Even indoor-only pets can get fleas and ticks from humans bringing them into the house, or from cracks or holes in walls and porch screens. This means all pets should have some sort of prevention regimen in place.

There are tons of different types of flea and tick preventatives on the market. Most of them also act as treatments if your pet gets an infestation. You can choose from spot-treatments, oral medications, and sprays. Spot-treatments are put on one spot on your pet, usually the back of their neck, and the medicine then moves all over their skin, killing fleas, ticks, and their eggs, while keeping new ones from jumping on.

Oral medications and sprays work the same way, but one type is given in pill form while the other is sprayed all over your pet. You can buy flea and tick preventions over the counter at pet stores, or get stronger ones on a prescription-basis from your vet. Usually, over the counter medications are good for prevention, but if you get an infestation, you will need something stronger from your veterinarian.

If your pet goes outside, you should use a strong preventative from your veterinarian on a regular basis. This will keep fleas from bothering your pet or entering your home, where they can become a problem for everyone who lives there.

Also, be sure to pay attention to labels. Cats have unique needs, and some flea and tick treatments for dogs are toxic for cats. Make sure the label says it is for cats before using it on your feline friend.

Contact Friendship Pet Hospital for Quality Flea and Tick Prevention and Advice

A veterinarian can give you advice on the best types of flea and tick prevention methods for your pets. Each pet is unique, and their requirements are as unique as they are. A veterinarian can examine your pet, and give you customized recommendations. If your pet already has fleas and/or ticks, the veterinarian is the best place to go to remove the infestation quickly and safely and to prevent it from being an issue ever again.

Contact our animal hospital today to make an appointment for your dog or cat. Being flea and tick-free will improve their happiness….and yours. We can be reached at: (480) 889-0881.

Contact the office at (480) 889-0881 for availability.